
UNSTUCK — Review

Thought for the Day:

“I don’t need time. What I need is a deadline.”
~ Duke Ellington ~

Gifts for My Writer Friends:

The Kill Zone is a blog with eleven writers in the thriller genre. But even if you aren’t writing thrillers, they have some great posts. HERE is a post by Dale Ivan Smith about Finding the Right Title: Words of Wisdom. It’s a good one.

I always learn valuable information when I run across articles for scriptwriters. HERE is a great article by Jon James Miller from scriptmag.com about Backstory: How Much Baggage to Give Your Heroes and Villains.

Narrative distance isn’t something I’ve really thought about, but I ran across the article HERE on The Historical Quill called Narrative Distance: What it is and How to Control it, and I realized it is pretty important. The article has excellent examples.

I won’t be posting for a while. I’m not sure just how long it will be. I will be hitting the road on Tuesday, and I will play it by ear looking at the weather and how I am feeling. My first stop should be Kansas City for a Padres vs. Royals game, but there is a fifty percent chance of rain right now, and the Royals don’t have a covered stadium. All the terrible storms that have been hitting the Midwest worry me. It looks like it’s going to be a tough summer weather-wise, but I can only go on my way and do as many of my planned activities as I can. In any case, I should be home and back to blogging around June 18. And I would appreciate it if no one did any rain dances until I get back!

Last week, I offered two books — GUT REACTION by Kirby Larson and Quinn Wyatt and HALF MOON SUMMER by Elaine Vickers — to one of you. Thanks to so many for sharing my link! This week’s winner is Susan Uhlig. Congratulations, Susan! I will get your books out to you soon. If you don’t know Susan, she is a children’s writer from Washington state. You can read more about her HERE.

The title of UNSTUCK caught my interest when I saw it on the list of review books for the Seattle Book Review. I certainly had heard of Barbara Dee, but I hadn’t read any of her books. When I saw it was about a young writer who was stuck in her writing (a condition I can relate to), I knew I needed to read it. I think a lot of young readers (and some older ones) will connect with Lyla and the problems she is facing. Here is the review I wrote for SBR.

Lyla is a writer. She’s always known that. She has a whole fantasy novel in her head, one with witches and magical beings, in a strange world with a dangerous quagmire and a one-toed beast, so when her seventh-grade ELA teacher announces they will be working on creative writing, Lyla is thrilled. Now she will finally get her novel on paper. Maybe it will even be a series!

But writing is different from imagining, and Lyla is stuck. She tries lots of things her teacher suggests to get unstuck, but to no avail. And she finds she is trying to impress certain people rather than just writing. And there is the pressure of a contest coming up as well as family drama and friend drama. It’s a lot.

Barbara Dee

Barbara Dee has written a compelling story many middle graders will relate to, especially those with older, successful siblings or those going through friend problems. The situations are quite realistic and the dialogue and characters are all believable. But it is hard to keep rooting for a main character in a rather long book who is often not very likable, and Lyla is that. Still, many readers will like this one.

Please don’t forget to check for other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge’s blog HERE.

14 thoughts on “UNSTUCK — Review”

  1. I’ve been waiting to read Barbara Dee’s UNSTUCK (don’t we all have that problem?) and your review is right on. She’s great at capturing MG voice, so I recommend you pick up more of her novels. Safe travels, Rosi!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your image of Oprah giving out thunderstorms cracked me up. I’m with you on the weather being worrying. I’m in FL, and just heard predictions for the upcoming hurricane season. O.O I hope we both get through the summer safely! Thanks for sharing your review of this book– it’s been on my radar, but I haven’t managed to get a copy yet. I love books about young writers, though, so I may still check it out. Happy MMGM! Safe travels!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha ha–what a great premise for a book! It must have been fun to write and read. Have a safe trip, enjoy your baseball, and don’t get rained out!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is one of the few Barbara Dee books I have not read. I will hopefully get to this one later in the summer thanks to your review. Busy day so will have to get to the links later in the week. Especially looking forward to the first one. Have a great trip and hope to get a full report upon your return. Happy MMGM!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have met Barbara before and have had her books on my TBR list- but haven’t had a chance to read one of her books yet. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one.

    Hope your weather was better than expected! 🙂


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